Snug Harbor Studios

A “snug habor” is a protected place within wild elements, a place where one can retreat  and relax after a day out in nature. I chose the name “Snug Harbor Studios” for my photography because the name has internal resonance. Born and raised on the East Coast of Canada, I spent much of my early adulthood in the Maritimes and the Gaspe Peninsula. Many of my fondest memories as a child and young adult were
 in snug harbors along the Atlantic Ocean. My husband and I now have a snug harbor of our own in Coronado, California, next to the Pacific Ocean. In my photographs, I try to find that snug harbor, that place of good memories, where one is safe from the elements but still close enough to enjoy their wild beauty.  I hope my photos may remind you of the snug harbors in your own life.

Lorraine Eden Hermann

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